Reduce your stress, conquer the mess and simplify 

your everyday routines!

Shortcut the Path to Declutter your 

Home, Mind and Daily Routines

Holiday Clutter Stress?

When You Join The Club, You'll Get My Masterclass 

How to Have Clutter-Free, Stress-Free Holidays (for FREE)!

Hurry! Spots are going fast and enrollment closes soon!

Kick Clutter Good-bye in 2023 with

Get 1-on-1 Support from Katy

Immediate & Long-lasting Results

with a declutter expert in your back pocket. 📱

*Spots are extremely limited.*

You don't need more resources you just need personalized support & a personalized plan tailored to you and your life!

The Inner Circle Membership is your chance to work 1-on-1 with Katy and be a part of an exclusive, tight-knit community and solve your clutter problems in 90 days.

You don't need more resources you just need personalized support &

a personalized plan tailored to you and your life!

The Inner Circle is your chance to work 1-on-1 with Katy and be a part of an exclusive, tight-knit community and solve your clutter problems in 90 days.

It's like having Coach Katy declutter with you, right by your side!

Professional organizers can cost upwards of $130 per hour and they don't get to the root of the problem.

130 hours x 16 hours (weekend job) = $2,080

In this mastermind you can expect WAY more value


The Inner Circle is perfect for you if you want:

  • A customized 90-day declutter roadmap that fits your schedule
  • Support that get to the ROOTS of your clutter problems
  • Help staying consistent & taking action
  • Strategic help tackling overwhelming spaces
  • Help with motivation and mindset
  • Small Group and 1-1 Support to reach your goals

"This program is life-changing."

After listening to Katy's podcast for the last 3 years and making progress with her other programs, I decided it was time for me to get more support through the Inner Circle. It's very clear that Katy has put so much thought and care into this program and is SO invested us. She is the best cheerleader and I've loved the structure, community, weekly calls, working with Katy directly - ALL of it has been life-changing and helped me reach my goals.


What's Included

Professional organizers:

Cost upwards of $1,500

Shorterm Results

Inner Circle:

Fraction of the cost

Immediate & Longterm Results

Direct Access to Katy Via Voxer

Voxer is a free walkie-talkie and messaging app for your smartphone that offers voice, text and picture sharing.

Message me directly when you need support! I'll respond within 24 hours and likely sooner, Monday through Friday.

Think of it like having me in your back pocket, you can send me voice messages, pics or videos of your home, and we can work together to create a solution!

This is also the space where our tight-knit community (less than 40 Simplifiers) will spend time supporting one another.

Strategy Zoom Session with Katy & Personalized 90-Day Action Plan

With guidance from me on your 30 minute Strategy Session and our Clutter Freedom Accelerator Manual, we'll create a personalized step-by-step roadmap for you, so you can fit decluttering into your schedule and reach your goals faster.


Group Coaching Calls

These calls aren't just Katy teaching, these are interactive, breakthrough calls and will consist of:

  • Coaching: Strategies, motivation and getting to the heart of clutter to solve it at its source.

  • Planning: Struggling with where to focus? Get clarity from Katy and our community

  • Accountability: We will also create“pop up” groups to happen as needed between members.

Clutter Cure Club Masterclasses are like learning in a large lecture hall.

Inner Circle Coaching Calls are like learning from a tutor.

"A must-do if you lack motivation or clarity!"

If you are like me and lack motivation to declutter on your own or struggle knowing what to do next, this program is a must! Having Katy and the Inner Circle Community cheer you on is amazing and I've been able to overcome so many roadblocks and finally make progress!


Inner Circle Bonuses

Professional organizers:

Cost upwards of $1,500

Shorterm Results

Inner Circle:

Fraction of the cost

Immediate & Longterm Results

Katy Wells, Declutter Expert and

Top-Rated Podcast Host,

The Maximized Minimalist

The Clutter Cure® Club

Unclutter your mind and home with my monthly membership community designed to simplify your life to regain clarity, happiness and purpose.


14-day challenges, masterclasses and club resources are all yours for free. If you're a current Club Member we'll pause your Club subscription for 3 months (or delay your annual subscription for 3 months) and you get to keep access!


Guest experts include a Time Management Coach and Financial Coach who will teach you their best strategies on decluttering your schedule and your finances.

Unclutter your mind and home with my monthly membership community designed to simplify your life to regain clarity, happiness and purpose.

Katy Wells, Declutter Expert and

Top-Rated Podcast Host,

The Maximized Minimalist

The Clutter Cure® Club

Unclutter your mind and home with my monthly membership community designed to simplify your life to regain clarity, happiness and purpose.


With this tool, you will be able to objectively track your progress. We will re-visit this at the end of our 90 days to see your "score" and how things have improved so you know what to focus on next!


One way to help you take action is by tracking your habits. Use these daily, weekly and monthly habit tracker printables to identify all the action tasks you want to perform, all in one place.

Unclutter your mind and home with my monthly membership community designed to simplify your life to regain clarity, happiness and purpose.

Katy Wells, Declutter Expert and

Top-Rated Podcast Host,

The Maximized Minimalist

The Clutter Cure® Club

Unclutter your mind and home with my monthly membership community designed to simplify your life to regain clarity, happiness and purpose.


all yours for free when you join the Inner Circle!

Unclutter your mind and home with my monthly membership community designed to simplify your life to regain clarity, happiness and purpose.


The Inner Circle is not for people who are wishy washy on their commitment to declutter. I’ve created a small community of people to get laser focused for 3 months together.

I am giving 100% towards the success of everyone in the group and I expect that kind of commitment back!

The Inner Circle is your one-stop shop.

  • If your goal is to get your home decluttered and organized

  • If you have overwhelming declutter projects you need support with

  • If you are tired of taking one step forward & two steps back in your progress

  • If you plan on moving soon and want to simplify the process.

  • If you want systems in place so your home stays manageable

Then This Exclusive Coaching Program Is For YOU!

"Working 1-1 with Katy is like hiring a professional organizer but way better and a fraction of the price!" -Carrie W.

Plus, Professional Organizers cost upwards of $5,000...

That's ALOT of money for a short-term, band-aid fix.

"I'm happier and more hopeful than I've felt in years!"

There is a huge mental cost of having clutter in your home. I decided that it was worth the money to have less clutter and more peace of mind. Just halfway through the program and I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and honestly, I'm happier and more hopeful than I've felt in years. THIS PROGRAM IS WORTH IT!


In the Inner Circle you get:

  • Direct access to Katy

  • 30 minute Strategy Session

  • A personalized declutter plan

  • Inner Circle Core Curriculum Lessons (16+!)

  • Expert guest speakers

  • Members Only Podcast Feed

  • 2x/Mo Group Calls + Replays

  • Fast results

Join The Inner Circle

"Love this program! An investment I'll never regret."

Having access to chat with Katy and get personal feedback has been priceless. Any time I have a question she gets right back to me and because of that I made such quick progress. I'm so impressed, plus I feel like we are besties now. :) This is one investment I'll never regret.


With The Inner Circle you can expect to:

  • Spend time making memories instead of stressing over mess
  • Save time & energy by having a plan and seeing it through
  • Feel 100% supported by Katy and our Community
  • Live in a clutter-free home that's easy to manage
  • Finally reach your goals


The reality is clutter is STEALING your time and energy every. single. day.

If you want to reclaim your home and your LIFE and want a personalized roadmap on how to get there, NOW is the time.

Let's make the last months of 2023 count.

How would it change your life to?...

  • live in a home that makes your life easier
  • enjoy time with your loved ones instead of picking up after them 24/7
  • have an uncluttered home and be able to keep it that way
  • declutter your home with a custom plan for YOU

"This is exactly what I needed!"

"Working one on one with Katy has made the biggest difference for me. It's exactly what I needed and with her support I've been able to completely declutter and organize several rooms in my home in just a few months!"


Try out the program risk-free for 7 days. See FAQ Section below for details.

This is where you thank them for opting in for your
offer, and make it clear the offer expires soon!

For the Moms who want more (of less)

Speaker at the 2020 WOCO Women's Conference alongside Bethenny Frankel and Randi Zuckerberg

Host of the Top-Rated Podcast with over 100 episodes and half a million downloads!

Can you relate to one of these two scenarios?

You wake up each day stressed out before your feet hit the floor, between never-ending laundry, cluttered countertops, growing to-do lists and your other 8,729 responsibilities, you're at your wits end and tired of feeling behind.

You've made declutter progress, but you're still on the struggle train when it comes to STUFF. You're burdened and aware of how much all the clutter has impacted your life but need help staying the course to simplicity.

Parents are fighting (and losing) a never-ending battle against toy mess. They're at their wits end and not-so-secretly are *this* close to lighting a match and setting the toys on fire or throwing them in the trash when the kids aren't looking.

Somewhere along the line, they start to believe the myth that drowning in toys is a "normal" part of life. They were told to embrace the chaos and that stepping on legos builds character and bribing the kids to pick up using chocolate is they ONLY way.

Attempting to solve the mess, they buy cute storage bins and re-organize  (but those "results" only lasts for days). Even worse, some are so paralyzed by the overwhelming mess that they resign to a messy, stressful house until the kids turn 18 and move out.

Parents are fighting a never-ending battle against toy mess. Their kids have too much stuff (thanks to Grandma & that irresistible Target dollar section). And who can blame them?There's a myth that more toys = happier, busier kids.

They are juggling 8 billion responsibilities right now and worry that getting rid of toys as a solution to the toy chaos means their child will depend on them for entertainment or worse, their child will be upset (even though they don't play with most of the toys, anyway)!

Attempting to cure the chaos, they buy cute storage bins and re-organize  (but those "results" only lasts for days). Even worse, some are so paralyzed by the overwhelming mess that they resign to a messy, stressful house until the kids turn 18 and move out.

This membership community will keep you

intentional about simplifying your life and 

make it the lifestyle it deserves to be.

Learn simplifying concepts and strategies that 

give you your time, energy and motherhood back.

Get access to LIVE monthly trainings from Katy

and a community of like-minded women just like you! 

For all the Type-A, Pinterest-perfect moms whose home is 

always perfectly tidy and Organized to a "T"...

This system is NOT for you!

This is for the Moms who are trying their hardest 

to keep up with the piles of stuff in their home

and searching for a system that will help them

declutter in a simple, efficient and permanent way.

Your Simplified Home: Decluttering Made Easy

The one-stop-shop for all things decluttering.

In this area, you want to get your reader's attention by identifying with their problem. 
* What is their pain? 

* What are they suffering from?

* Point out their symptoms

* Do they feel this way?

* Read their minds

* Identify with struggles

In 2017 I discovered the secret... finally declutter my home once-and-for-all, to end the relentless stress and the frustration.

Now, I'm on a mission to help other moms just like you!

But it wasn't always this way....

This is where you keep twisting the knife...
when they try to solve the problem, things get worse.
More obstacles rise up.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
Talk about the lack of time, the lack of money, the lack of knowledge.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
Paint a very bleak picture and identify that You too were once in this very position.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

This membership community will give you:

Between five and seven spaces in your home that are uncluttered and spacious.

New frameworks you need to continue the work and keep the clutter away.

More time (Hello less clean up!) to focus on the people INSIDE your home instead of the STUFF.

A fresh perspective and lighter load.

see for yourself...

everything you're going to get.

Here's the thing, you CAN have an uncluttered Home without...

• It being a full-time job...

• Feeling like you're doing it alone...

• Struggling through the emotions..

Here's what you can expect life to 

feel like after joining

The Clutter Cure Club...

- Unwavering support from Katy and the other club members

- Taking your simplifying journey to the next-level

- Actionable tips that take your home from AH! to Ah.....

-And so much more!

Let's recap everything you're going to get.

Your Simplified Home: Decluttering Made Easy Course: $497 value

BONUS 1: How To Get & Stay Motivated PDF
: $37 value

BONUS 2: Time Blocking Worksheet Template: $47 value

BONUS 3: Get Your Your Spouse on Board - A video interview: $197 value

BONUS 4: Expert Interview with Caley Kukla, M. Ed., talking to your kids about de-cluttering: $297 value

BONUS 5: Get Your Family on Board Guide so they quit buying stuff your kids don't need: $197 value

PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP: On-demand access for motivation, support and LIVE Q&As: $357 value

When You Add It All Up,

That’s A Total Value Of $1,669

But because I’m super excited to welcome you to Your Simplified Home, 

I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll TODAY at the special price of just….


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

- Jane Awesome, Acme co.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

- Jane Awesome, Acme co.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

- Jane Awesome, Acme co.

It's time for you to decide what you really want out of life...


Maybe you want to spend more time doing what it is you really love, instead of constantly picking up your house. Whether that's quality time with your family, finally catching up with that friend you miss, or finally have more time with your spouse, it's up to you!

Just know that no matter where you are, results are within your reach NOW....

"It's been amazing how much my mindset has shifted and each time I listen to a class or participate in a challenge, it's always exactly what I need at that moment."


That's okay! All Live recordings will be saved in the Facebook group as well as your online member's portal, so you can watch them on your own time.

Do I need social media to get access to the content?

Nope! To keep things simple (and keep everyone focused) we won't use social media. All call trainings will be held via Zoom and then will be uploaded to your private member's area so you can watch the replays. All 1-1 and group communication will happen via the free app Voxer.

How will I communicate with Katy?

The bulk of the 1-1 and group communication will happen via the free app Voxer. I'll also do "hot seat" coaching with some of our inner circle members during our group calls, as well.

What if I can't make the Live call trainings?

If you can't make it to the Live calls you can submit your questions beforehand and watch the replays and your question will get answered. You don't need to attend all the Live calls to benefit from the Inner Circle.

While these coaching calls are designed to be interactive and I'd love for you to attend as many as you can, it's not required.

What are the differences between The Clutter Cure Club & Inner Circle?

The biggest differences are with the Inner Circle, you get 1-1 support, direct access to Katy, our Clutter Freedom Accelerator workbook, exclusive content (not available in The Club), group coaching calls and more! It's also a much smaller group at only 40 members. Also, it's a 90-day commitment whereas the club is month-to-month. Click the image to determine which program is the best fit for you!

FAQ image

Why a three month commitment?

I have worked with thousands of students and the ones that get the MOST success are the ones that stick with it for at least 3 months. If you want to simplify your home you have to put the time in.

This does not mean your entire home will be decluttered at the end of 3 months, rather the realistic goals, such as completely decluttering and organizing specific rooms, will be completed during our time together. Of course, it all depends on how much time you dedicate and how much clutter you have that will impact the timeframe.

What if life gets busy and I have to stop?

If you have a family emergency or unexpected extended traveling, you may pause your billing for one monthly cycle. Please email so I can help you with logistics if this were to happen and I'll do the best I can to accommodate you.

Also remember, we're ALL busy. I will be traveling, shuffling kids to school, sports and continuing "life" during our three months together but I'm committed to you and our Inner Circle Members. If you have "one foot in and one foot out" this isn't the right fit and continuing (or joining) The Clutter Cure Club is best.

How many members will Katy support in The Inner Circle?

This group will never be more than 40 people, that's the max.

What will happen with my Clutter Cure Club payments?

For current Club Members, if you pay month-to-month my team will pause your Club subscription for the duration of the Inner Circle Mastermind (3 months). If you're an annual member, we'll delay your annual subscription by 3 months. So, you'll get free access to The Clutter Cure Club while you're an Inner Circle Member.

What can I expect from The Clutter Cure Club content?

When you sign up for the Inner Circle you'll get an email with login instructions to access your Clutter Club member's portal, this is also the same area you'll access our Inner Circle Coaching Call replays, digital workbook and bonus workshops.

There are over 40 masterclasses you can dive into as soon as you'd like and I will likely make suggestions for you to go watch certain trainings as we begin working together, so you'll want to familiarize yourself with the content layout.

If you'd like to continue on with the Clutter Cure Club, after your 90 days in The Inner Circle ends, you can do so at $19/month or $171/year (3 months free).

Do you offer refunds?

The Inner Circle comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. My hope is that your home and life are forever transformed with what you gain through this program. I also expect you to give it your very best effort. That’s why in order to be eligible for the 7-Day Satisfaction Guarantee, you must submit proof that you did the coursework.

If you complete the initial coursework (Phase 1 + 2 Modules) and don’t feel I’ve delivered on my promise, you must submit your workbook, lesson notes and all resources you've completed within 7 days of enrolling and we’ll promptly refund your program fee.

let's end the messy house cycle together. find freedom from clutter with the inner circle membership.

enroll now at a 44% discount and before spots sell out.

this course if perfect for you if:

​● You are sick and tired of picking up after your kid’s childhood instead of being a part of it.


​● Seeing piles of clutter overwhelms you.

​● You are ready to take a stand and take charge of your home.

Everything You'll Get

  • Direct Access to Katy Via Voxer for 90 days (January 10th-April 10th)

  • Personalized 90-Day Action Plan

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls (+ Replays of all the Calls)


  • FREE Clutter Cure Club Access for 3 Months

  • Two Expert Speaker Workshops (Time Management & Financial Freedom)

  • Habit Tracker Printables

  • Clutter Freedom Assessment

  • Clutter Freedom Downloadable Workbook

  • Lifetime Access to The Toy Clutter Cure & The Clutter Cure Courses


  • Direct Access to Katy Via Voxer for 90 days

  • 30 minute Strategy Session

  • Personalized 90-Day Action Plan

  • Bi-Monthly Group Coaching Calls (+ Replays)


  • FREE Clutter Cure Club Access for 3 Months

  • Expert Speaker Workshops

  • Habit Tracker Printables

  • Clutter Freedom Assessment

  • Clutter Freedom Downloadable Workbook

  • Lifetime Access to The Toy Clutter Cure & The Clutter Cure Courses


  • Direct Access to Katy Via Voxer for 90 days

  • Personalized 90-Day Action Plan

  • Twice Monthly Group Coaching Calls (+ Replays)

  • Lifetime Access to our Inner Circle Core Curriculum Trainings (Over 18 Lessons!)


  • FREE Clutter Cure Club Access for 3 Months

  • Members Only Podcast Feed

  • Expert Speaker Workshops

  • Habit Tracker Printables

  • Clutter Freedom Assessment

  • Clutter Freedom Downloadable Workbook

  • Lifetime Access to The Toy Clutter Cure & The Clutter Cure Courses

Join Us In The Inner Circle

Our Inner Circle provides clarity, deeper-level conversations & step-by-step solutions, and all the support you need to finally reach your goals.

From decluttering, organizing to creating home management systems— we have everything you need to reach your dreams of a more joy-filled life!

guarantee 100% satisfied

xx Katy 

FOR SUPPORT ISSUES OR QUESTIONS PLEASE EMAIL US: - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions