*Spots are extremely limited!
The Stats Are In...
of people who declutter on their own give up within the first few weeks and gain most of their clutter back.
There are MANY reasons why, but let's cover three!
How many of these scenarios sound familiar?
You're always cleaning up but the house is never clean
You're overwhelmed by the mess and don't know where to start
You're exhausted by being the "stuff manager" of everyone's things
You've tried organizing but the clutter always comes back
You panic and throw things behind closed doors when someone drops by
You've tried everything to conquer 24/7 mess, but nothing's worked long term!
Families of all sizes and lifestyles!
Make fast progress without wasting entire weekends
Tackle your overwhelming “scary” spaces with confidence and ease
Learn how to give yourself permission to let go of sentimental clutter even if you’re a nostalgic person
Learn my secrets to clutter banishment to ensure your results last for years to come
Implement sustainable habits & systems that are easy to do - even if you weren’t “born organized”
Identify Your 90-Day Goals
Create a Realistic, Doable Plan
Get Your Mind Right So You Can Get into Action-Taking Mode & Effortlessly Declutter
In this series of lessons, you’ll learn habits, systems and routines that will get you to the finish line quicker than ever. You’ll know exactly which SIMPLE (5 minute or less) habits & systems to do and conversations to navigate to turn your family from “meh” to willingly pick up after themselves.
Creating & Sticking to New Habits
Getting Family On Board
In this series of lessons, you’ll identify all the reasons why you have clutter in the first place. You’ll walk away knowing exactly how to stop clutter from coming back and powerful strategies you can use for a lifetime.
Identify Root Causes
Delegating to Family Members
Long-term Strategies to Keep the Clutter Away
Message Katy directly when you need support! You can send voice messages, pics or videos of your home, and work together to create a solution!
Hot-Seat Coaching
Live Q+As
Simplicity Topics
Let's look at how they compare:
Direct Access to Katy - your declutter bestie - via Voxer for 90 days
Personalized 90-Day Action Plan
Twice-a-Month Live Group Coaching Calls (+ Replays)
Lifetime Access to our Inner Circle Core Curriculum Trainings (Over 18 Lessons!)
FREE Clutter Cure Club Access for 3 Months
Path to Clutter Freedom Workbook
Quick Wins Checklist
Expert Speaker Workshops
Lifetime Access to The Toy Clutter Cure & The Clutter Cure Courses
Direct Access to Katy Via Voxer for 90 days
Personalized 90-Day Action Plan
Bi-Monthly Live Group Coaching Calls (+ Replays)
Lifetime Access to our Inner Circle Core Curriculum Trainings (Over 18 Lessons!)
FREE Clutter Cure Club Access for 3 Months
Member's Only Podcast Feed
Expert Speaker Workshops
Habit Tracker Printables
Clutter Freedom Assessment
Clutter Freedom Downloadable Workbook
Lifetime Access to The Toy Clutter Cure & The Clutter Cure Courses
You have overwhelming declutter projects you need support with
You're tired taking one step forward & two steps back in your progress
You plan on moving soon and want to simplify the process
You want systems in place so your home stays manageable
You want to feel calm and peaceful in your home
You are wishy washy on your commitment to declutter
You already have systems in place to keep your home manageable
Your home already provides a place of peace and calmness
That's okay! All Live recordings will be saved in the Facebook group as well as your online member's portal, so you can watch them on your own time.
Nope! To keep things simple (and keep everyone focused) we won't use social media. All program content will be available via your member's area which you'll get immediate access to upon signing up.
The bulk of the 1-1 and group communication will happen via the free app Voxer as well as our small group Zoom Calls.
While these coaching calls are designed to be interactive and I'd love for you to attend as many as you can, it's not required. If you can't make it to the Live calls you can submit your questions beforehand and watch the replays and your question will get answered. You don't need to attend all the Live calls to benefit from the Inner Circle.
Studies show 97% of people who declutter on their own give up within the first few weeks and gain most of their clutter back.
A whopping 86% of Inner Circle students report the clutter has NOT come back (6 months + after they completed the program) and that their home remains easier to pick up and maintain. This amounts to 20x-ing your success which is the foundation of this program.
Katy has worked with thousands of students and the ones that get the MOST success are the ones that stick with it for at least 3 months. If you want to simplify your home you have to put the time in.
This does not mean your entire home will be decluttered at the end of 3 months, rather the realistic goals, such as completely decluttering and organizing specific rooms, will be completed during our time together. Of course, it all depends on how much time you dedicate and how much clutter you have that will impact the timeframe.
If you'd like to continue in the Inner Circle after our initial three-month period is over you'll have an opportunity to enroll into The Inner Circle Alumni Membership, which is offered month-to-month.
How much time you dedicate to decluttering each week is entirely up to you and your schedule and is something you and Katy will work on together and with the resources she provides.
Some students start with as little as 5-10 minutes a day eventually building up to 20 minutes. Again, this is not set in stone, there is flexibility and you will create a schedule that works for you with Katy's guidance.
If you have a family emergency or unexpected extended traveling, you may pause your billing for one monthly cycle. Please email katy@minimalist-movement.com so I can help you with logistics if this were to happen and I'll do the best I can to accommodate you.
Also remember, we're ALL busy. I will be traveling, shuffling kids to school, sports and continuing "life" during our three months together but I'm committed to you and our Inner Circle Members. If you have "one foot in and one foot out" this isn't the right fit and continuing (or joining) The Clutter Cure Club is best.
For current Club Members, if you pay month-to-month my team will pause your Club subscription for the duration of the Inner Circle Program (3 months). If you're an annual member, we'll delay your annual subscription by 3 months. So, you'll get free access to The Clutter Cure Club while you're an Inner Circle Member.
When you sign up for the Inner Circle you'll get an email with login instructions to access your Clutter Club member's portal, this is also the same area you'll access our Inner Circle Curriculum.
There are over 40 masterclasses you can dive into as soon as you'd like and I will likely make suggestions for you to go watch certain trainings as we begin working together, so you'll want to familiarize yourself with the content layout.
If you'd like to continue on with the Clutter Cure Club after our Inner Circle ends, you can do so at $19/month or $171/year (2 months free) or if you continue into The Inner Circle Alumni Membership, the cost of The Clutter Cure Club will remain free.
The Inner Circle comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. My hope is that your home and life are forever transformed with what you gain through this program. I also expect you to give it your very best effort. That’s why in order to be eligible for the 7-Day Satisfaction Guarantee, you must submit proof that you did the coursework.
If you complete the initial coursework (Phase 1 + 2 Modules) and don’t feel I’ve delivered on my promise, you must submit your workbook, lesson notes and all resources you've completed within 7 days of starting (by January 13th, 2025) and we’ll promptly refund your program fee.
this course if perfect for you if:
● You are sick and tired of picking up after your kid’s childhood instead of being a part of it.
● Seeing piles of clutter overwhelms you.
● You are ready to take a stand and take charge of your home.
Direct Access to Katy - your declutter bestie - via Voxer for 90 days
Personalized 90-Day Action Plan
Twice-a-Month Live Group Coaching Calls (+ Replays)
Lifetime Access to our Inner Circle Core Curriculum Trainings (Over 18 Lessons!)
FREE Clutter Cure Club Access for 3 Months
Members Only Podcast Feed
Expert Speaker Workshops
Habit Tracker Printables
Clutter Freedom Assessment
Clutter Freedom Downloadable Workbook
Lifetime Access to The Toy Clutter Cure & The Clutter Cure Courses
Direct Access to Katy Via Voxer for 90 days
Personalized 90-Day Action Plan
Bi-Monthly Live Group Coaching Calls (+ Replays)
Lifetime Access to our Inner Circle Core Curriculum Trainings (Over 18 Lessons!)
FREE Clutter Cure Club Access for 3 Months
Member's Only Podcast Feed
Expert Speaker Workshops
Habit Tracker Printables
Clutter Freedom Assessment
Clutter Freedom Downloadable Workbook
Lifetime Access to The Toy Clutter Cure & The Clutter Cure Courses
xx Katy
Direct Access to Katy Via Voxer for 90 days
Personalized 90-Day Action Plan
Bi-Monthly Live Group Coaching Calls (+ Replays)
Lifetime Access to Inner Circle Curriculum (18 lessons!)
FREE Clutter Cure Club Access for 3 Months
Members Only Podcast
Expert Speaker Workshops
Habit Tracker Printables
Clutter Freedom Assessment
Clutter Freedom Downloadable Workbook
Lifetime Access to The Toy Clutter Cure & The Clutter Cure Courses
Direct Access to Katy - your declutter bestie - via Voxer for 90 days
Personalized 90-Day Action Plan
Twice-a-Month Live Group Coaching Calls (+ Replays)
Lifetime Access to our Inner Circle Core Curriculum Trainings (Over 18 Lessons!)
FREE Clutter Cure Club Access for 3 Months
Members Only Podcast Feed
Expert Speaker Workshops
Habit Tracker Printables
Clutter Freedom Assessment
Clutter Freedom Downloadable Workbook
Lifetime Access to The Toy Clutter Cure & The Clutter Cure Courses