You head into the holidays filled with excitement and looking forward to quality time with your family and maybe even a little rest.

Then, like a bad remember last year as you watched the kids excitedly unwrap their 300th present from their grandparents.
So much for rest. Your stress and anxiety just shot through the roof.
There goes your "wonderful life" version of your holiday. 

How You Imagine The Holidays...

How They Can Feel...

Holiday Expectation...

VS. Reality...

 End Holiday Clutter Chaos, NOW!

Spots are going FAST! Sign Up NOW!


Don't let your resolution be one of the 80% of resolutions that fail!
Conquer your goal in just 14 days!!!

Get Your Home Holiday Ready

Join the LAST challenge before the holidays!

Discover How You Can...

Cure The Mess and Reduce Your Stress

in just 20 minutes a day!

Tired of feeling anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed every time you walk through your front door?

Spend just 20 minutes a day and declutter 5 spaces in your home...for good!

The Clutter Crusher LIVE 

14-Day Home Reset is Back!

Beginning March 11th!

The Next Coaching Call Starts On:

November 7th, 2022

Katy Wells, Declutter Expert and Top-Rated Podcast Host,The Maximized Minimalist

Discover How You Can...

Cure The Mess and Reduce Your Stress

in just 20 minutes a day!

Are You Ready to Reclaim Your Space and Peace of Mind?

Break Free from Clutter in Just 14 Days with Our Proven Home Reset Challenge!

Feeling trapped by clutter every time you enter your home isn't just uncomfortable—it's downright overwhelming.

But imagine transforming your space in just 20 minutes a day.

Welcome to the Clutter Crusher LIVE 14-Day Home Reset

Your journey begins Monday, November 11th.

The Next Coaching Call Starts On:

November 7th, 2022

Katy Wells, Declutter Expert and Top-Rated Podcast Host,The Maximized Minimalist

I spent years drowning in clutter and was desperate for a permanent solution.

  • Hit up Target for cute storage bins so I could reorganize our stuff - but within days the mess would be back.

  • Read the 'Spark Joy' book and failed miserably at the methods 

  • Bought a label maker and labeled everything but our kids and pets. I still couldn't find anything in the piles and mess!

  • ​Threatened to light the toys on fire and nagged my messy family to clean up, but my efforts were in vain.

Sound Familiar?

  • The sight of mess as soon as you walk in drains your energy.

  • Past organizing attempts never seem to stick, leaving you more frustrated.

  • Piles of "stuff" seem to move from one spot to another, never truly finding a home.

  • You get frustrated over cluttered counter-tops and are  always losing things.

If you found yourself nodding along, it's time for a change.

Hey, I'm Katy!

Hey, I'm Katy!

I spent years drowning in clutter and was desperate for a permanent solution. I...

  • Hit up Target for cute storage bins so I could reorganize our stuff - but within days the mess would be back.

  • Read the 'Spark Joy' book and failed miserably at the methods 

  • Bought a label maker and labeled everything but our kids and pets. I still couldn't find anything in the piles and mess!

  • ​Threatened to light the toys on fire and nagged my messy family to clean up, but my efforts were in vain.


Instead of stressing over cluttered countertops and overwhelming mess...

  • I can savor and cherish moments with my sons.

  • I get time to myself, doing what I want to do.

  • I'm happier, less stressed and more in control of my days.

Through all the trial and error, I developed a system where the clutter doesn't come back. I want to introduce that system to you!

As Seen On...

As Seen On

If you're ready to kick the clutter for good, it's time to join...

The 14-Day LIVE Clutter Crusher Challenge

Forget the failed organization attempts of the past. This isn't about cute storage bins that only hide the problem temporarily or complex systems that don't stick.

This challenge is your key to lasting change.

This Challenge Is Perfect For You If:

  • You're tired of the clutter cycle and ready for a lasting solution.

  • You want clear, easy-to-follow steps that make decluttering straightforward.

  • You crave a serene home environment that supports your well-being.

Through a simple, daily 20-minute commitment, you will:

  • Target and transform the most overwhelming spaces in your home.

  • Learn proven frameworks that stop clutter from returning.

  • Join a supportive community, gaining access to a treasure trove of resources, including a printable workbook and daily schedule to keep you on track.


  • Enjoying a peaceful, uncluttered home where every item has its place.

  • Saving time and energy daily, no longer bogged down by constant reorganization.

  • Feeling less stressed and more in control, with space to breathe and relax.

Can you relate?

You're overwhelmed by the mess and don't know where to start.

You've tried organizing but the clutter always comes back.

The mess bothers you and you try to ignore it.

You're constantly shuffling random things from pile to pile.

You get frustrated over cluttered counter-tops and are always losing things.

Did You Catch Yourself Nodding Your Head?

If so, I can’t wait to meet you inside the challenge!


Instead of stressing over cluttered countertops and overwhelming mess...

-I can savor and cherish moments with my sons.

-I get time to myself, doing what I want to do.

-I'm happier, less stressed and more in control of my days.

Through all the trial and error, I developed a system where the clutter doesn't come back and I want to introduce

that system to you!

Host of the Chart-topping podcast,

The Maximized Minimalist, with over 

170 episodes and 2 Million downloads!

Speaker at the 2020 WOCO Women's Conference alongside Bethenny Frankel and Randi Zuckerberg

This is where you thank them for opting in for your
offer, and make it clear the offer expires soon!

For years I struggled with clutter and mess.

I woke up every morning overwhelmed by the piles of never-ending laundry, cluttered counter tops and overflowing toy bins.
Instead of relaxing when I got home after a busy day, I was resentful because I had to handle the mess so that I could get anything done. 
It was a constant cycle of chaos.

I had major mom-guilt and I wasn't showing up as the mom and wife I wanted to be.
Clutter was robbing me of my time, energy and motherhood.

Katy Wells, Declutter Expert and Top-Rated Podcast Host,The Maximized Minimalist

For all the Type-A, Pinterest-perfect moms whose home is always perfectly tidy and Organized to a "T"...This system is NOT for you!

This is for the Moms who are trying their hardest to keep up with the piles of stuff in their homeand searching for a system that will help themdeclutter in a simple, efficient and permanent way.

Your Simplified Home: Decluttering Made EasyThe one-stop-shop for all things decluttering.

In this area, you want to get your reader's attention by identifying with their problem. 

* What is their pain? 

* What are they suffering from?

* Point out their symptoms

* Do they feel this way?

* Read their minds

* Identify with struggles

In 2017 I discovered the secret... finally declutter my home once-and-for-all, to end the relentless stress and the frustration.

Now, I'm on a mission to help other moms just like you!

But it wasn't always this way....

This is where you keep twisting the knife...
when they try to solve the problem, things get worse.

More obstacles rise up.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Talk about the lack of time, the lack of money, the lack of knowledge.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Paint a very bleak picture and identify that You too were once in this very position.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

So, Here is How The Challenge Works...

Each day for 14 days, you have one simple 20-minute task that will get you closer to an uncluttered, restful and spacious home. 

No more wasting time and brain power guessing what to do, I'll tell you (beginning on September 9th).

I'll teach you my proven frameworks that have helped thousands of families successfully declutter, no matter WHERE you need help!

  • Kitchen

  • Garage

  • Living room

  • Kid's bedroom

  • Closet

  • ...Literally any messy & cluttered space

This challenge is your solution to decluttering without feeling anxiety and overwhelm, it couldn't be easier.

You'll also get instant access to the Facebook Member's Area where you will find bonus resources including your printable workbook and daily declutter schedule.

What if it helped you finally let go of that junk in your home that's been weighing you down?

Think of all the time and energy you'll save each day and how much less stressed and anxious you'll feel.

Total Value = $315

see for yourself...

What others have to say

Here's the thing, you CAN have an uncluttered Home without...

• It being a full-time job...

• Feeling like you're doing it alone...

• Struggling through the emotions..

everything you're going to get

Here's what you'll get TODAY!

24/7 Access to the Member's Facebook Community ($27 value)

Curated Resources and Podcasts ($17 value)

Clutter Crusher Workbook ($27 value)

And when the Challenge Starts September 12th YOU GET...

DAILY Group Coaching ($297 value)

DAILY Email Content ($37 value)

BONUS #1: Daily Declutter Prompts + 2 Week Calendar($17 value)

BONUS #2: Community Home Makeover Before & After Pictures($17 value)

BONUS #3: On-Demand Access for Motivation + Support($27 value)

When You Add It All Up,That’s A Total Value Of $131

I Just Ask That You Cover A Small $5.60 Processing Fee

As if that wasn't enough....there are prizes!

As if that wasn't enough....there are prizes y'all!

You Might Be Thinking...

 "Will this work for me? I have such a messy family..."

Whether you have a messy partner, kids or house full of pets you will make huge strides and learn powerful new habits that they can easily do, too!

 "I'm so overwhelmed and don't know where to begin handling all the clutter!"

I'll tell you exactly where to put your efforts each day, eliminating guesswork and saving energy!

And I Know What Your Thinking

But Katy Why $5.60?

Well...GREAT QUESTION!It's simple, if it's free it's actually a dis-service to you. That's right! It does you NO good...
Over the years I've given away a lot of my material in hopes that it would make an impact on more people And just the opposite happened...I created more people NOT taking action.
Because what happens 
when something is FREE? You assign ZERO value to it.It's just the way the human brain works, there's no way around it.And when you assign NO VALUE to something you don't take it seriouslyYou don't put in the work, and you DON'T make a change.I sell this course right now every single day for about $37.
So I thought to myself...
what's the ROCK BOTTOM price I could sell it for and just try to break even?After crunching the numbers I came up with $5.60.  That's what it truly costs me on average in advertising, customer service, everything involved to support the sale of this amazing course.
This allows me to get in your hands for NEXT TO NOTHING.And it actually helps you to become an ACTION TAKER.
Because I LOVE to work with ACTION TAKERS!
People that are passionate enough about making a change in their life that they are willing to step up to the plate and do something about it.
So that's it...ready to become an ACTION Taker and take control of Your Cluttered Home right now?

By the end of this challenge, you'll have...

Between five and seven spaces in your home that are uncluttered and spacious.

Proven frameworks to continue the work and keep the clutter away.

More time (Hello less clean up!) to focus on your family instead of the STUFF.

A fresh perspective and lighter load.

everything you're going to get

14-Day Clutter Crusher Challenge

 DAILY Email Tips & Strategies ($37 value)

 DAILY Group Coaching with Katy ($297 value)

24/7 Access to the Member's Facebook Community ($27 value)

Curated Resources and Podcasts ($17 value)

BONUS #1: Clutter Crusher Digital Workbook ($27 value)

BONUS #2: Daily Declutter Prompts + 2 Week Calendar ($17 value)

BONUS #3: Community Home Makeover Before & After Pictures ($17 value)

BONUS #4: On-Demand Access for Motivation + Support ($27 value)

When You Add It All Up,That’s A Total Value Of $131

Total Value = $466

Just $37

I Just Ask That You Cover A Small $5.60 Processing Fee

For less than a few bucks a day you can FINALLY have a home you love!

Once Again To Recap Why $5.60?

It's simple, if it's free it's actually a dis-service to you.
That's right! It does you NO good...
Over the years I've given away a lot of my material in hopes that it would make an impact on more peopleAnd just the opposite happened...I created more people NOT taking action.
Because what happens when something is FREE? You assign ZERO value to it.It's just the way the human brain works, there's no way around it.And when you assign NO VALUE to something you don't take it seriously.You don't put in the work, and you DON'T make a change.I sell this course right now every single day for about $37.
So I thought to myself...what's the ROCK BOTTOM price I could sell it for and just try to break even?After crunching the numbers I came up with $5.60. That's what it truly costs me on average in advertising, customer service, everything involved to support the sale of this amazing course.
This allows me to get in your hands for NEXT TO NOTHING.And it actually helps you to become an ACTION TAKER.
Because I LOVE to work with ACTION TAKERS!People that are passionate enough about making a change in their life that they are willing to step up to the plate and do something about it.
So that's it...ready to become an ACTION Taker and take control of Your Cluttered Home right now? I'll see you in The Challenge!

Let's recap everything you're going to get.

Your Simplified Home: Decluttering Made Easy Course: $497 value
BONUS 1: How To Get & Stay Motivated PDF
: $37 value
BONUS 2: Time Blocking Worksheet Template: $47 value
BONUS 3: Get Your Your Spouse on Board - A video interview: $197 value
BONUS 4: Expert Interview with Caley Kukla, M. Ed., talking to your kids about de-cluttering: $297 value
BONUS 5: Get Your Family on Board Guide so they quit buying stuff your kids don't need: $197 value
PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP: On-demand access for motivation, support and LIVE Q&As: $357 value

When You Add It All Up,That’s A Total Value Of $1,669

But because I’m super excited to welcome you to Your Simplified Home, I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll TODAY at the special price of just….


It's time for you to decide what you really want out of life... 

Maybe you want to spend more time doing what it is you really love, instead of constantly picking up your house. Whether that's quality time with your family, finally catching up with that friend you miss, or finally have more time with your spouse, it's up to you!

Just know that no matter where you are, results are within your reach NOW....

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the course, coaching, or the bonuses within 7 days, we will offer you a full refund, for any reason.

xx Katy 

FOR SUPPORT ISSUES OR QUESTIONS PLEASE EMAIL US: - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions